Toyota Canada is committed to supporting inclusion through physical accessibility by investing in organizations with forward-thinking solutions that remove barriers to mobility.
Using the world-renowned Toyota Production System, Toyota helps not-for-profit organizations enhance their productivity, maximize available resources and further improve quality and safety.
The Toyota Canada Foundation funds organizations dedicated to encouraging more young Canadians to pursue an education and career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).
Helping Canadian blood flow faster
How did we share our world-renowned Toyota Production System knowledge to help Canadian Blood Services achieve significant process improvements at its production and distribution facilities, including additional production time, a 40% reduction in packing time, and a 30% reduction in steps taken by employees every day?
Helping more new mothers with premature babies
How did we share our world-renowned Toyota Production System knowledge to help Héma-Québec’s Public Mother’s Milk Bank provide 20% more vital breast milk to Québec hospitals with mothers caring for premature babies?
How are we helping the StopGap Foundation create a barrier-free society where every person can access every space? StopGap’s national School Project focuses on education and dialogue around issues of disability and accessibility.
How did we make a more accessible and inclusive go-kart? With a hand-controlled throttle and braking incorporated into the design of the steering wheel, kartSTART designed an accessible kart to allow kids living with physical disabilities to take part in its hands-on drivers’ safety education program for Canadian kids.
Actua is Canada’s largest science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) youth outreach network, representing 40 university- and college-based members. Actua focuses on the engagement of underrepresented youth through specialized programs for Indigenous youth, girls and young women, at-risk youth and youth living in Northern and remote communities.
Let’s Talk Science – a leading partner in Canadian education – is a national charitable organization committed to inspiring and empowering Canadian youth by providing a comprehensive suite of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) based programs to support youth, educators, and volunteers across Canada.
Indspire is an Indigenous national charity that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people for the long-term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada. With the support of its funding partners, Indspire provides financial awards, delivers programs and shares resources so that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students will achieve their highest potential.
Toyota Canada’s corporate community investment program is focused primarily on supporting organizations working in the area of inclusion through physical accessibility (inclusion, accessibility, human movement, mobility).
In order to be eligible, your organization must also be:
Organizations not eligible include:
The Toyota Canada Foundation is focused primarily on supporting organizations working in the area of science, technology and math (STEM) education and outreach.
Every effort has been made to ensure the product specifications, equipment, and content on this site are accurate based on information available at time of publishing. In some cases, certain changes in standard equipment or options may occur, which may not be reflected online. Toyota Canada reserves the rights to make these changes without notice or obligation.